In the world of online dating etiquette, when to meet in person is one of the trickiest and most asked questions, and for a good reason. As one of the most hilarious online memes suggests: on the internet nobody knows you’re a dog.
And although this is an issue that needs to be approached in a serious manner, with the right pointers and a few nudges in the right direction, you will be able to determine if the person you are chatting with online is someone you should actually meet in real life.
Here are some of the crucial things you should know before moving things from the online to the offline realm.
TIP No. 1: Conduct Thorough Research On the Person first
We don’t have to tell you that safety comes first and foremost, but we’re going to do it anyway. As we said earlier, the Internet can be a tricky place and you need to be careful if you’re seeking a partner via online dating. When to meet in person is, because of this, one of the most talked about subjects about this type of love searching, and the very first step you need to do is do a research on the person you’re chatting with before you even bring up the possibility of meeting up in person.
Find out if the two of you have mutual friends on social media platforms. If you do, inquire about that person with them. Ask about certain basic details about the person, like:
- Home city
- Current address
- Job
- Personal interests
- Previous love interests
TIP No. 2: Make Sure You Feel Comfortable
If everything from the first tip checks out, it is time to chat some more and develop a certain kind of online relationship in which you feel comfortable enough. Some people like to wait until they are 100% certain in their decision.
Overall sense of comfort is what you are looking for.
TIP No. 3: Arrange a Meeting ASAP
Once you do feel the desired level of comfort and confidence, we suggest you meet as soon as possible. From our own experience, we at SugarDaddie.com know that waiting too long can be extremely counter-productive.
Modern world is an extremely fast-paced one. This is also true for online dating. When to meet in real life can indeed vary from person to person, but the general rule of thumb is to speed things up as much as possible and meet up as soon as you feel positive that person is trustworthy.
However, according to Stacie Ikka, an experienced online dating coach and professional matchmaker, meeting up literally ASAP is a much better idea.
“Meet them with as little online communication as possible. You can’t get a feel for someone from behind your computer screen,” Ikka says. “You can make inferences and form opinions, but the only way to know for sure if there is chemistry (or the potential for chemistry) is to meet them in person and get a sense for their IRL vibe. From there, you can see how your vibe gels with their vibe.”
She also warns that waiting too long to meet in person and chatting for longer periods of time can provide you with a false sense of being in a relationship.
“It’s very easy to find yourself in a non-relationship that feels like a real relationship when you’re playing the get-to-know-you game online,” Ikka suggests. “As the messages are ping-ponging back and forth, hopes are getting higher, expectations are being set, ideals are being realized, pedestals are being elevated, and people are securely on those pedestals.”
Wrapping up
We at Sugar Daddie agree with her. If you feel comfortable right away and all the background researches do check out, you should break the ice quickly and ask him/her to go out in public. Only then will you know for sure if the two of you are truly compatible.
If, however, the person strongly disagrees to comply for no apparent reasons, that should be a huge red flag for you.
What are your takes on this issue and have you ever had a bad experience that could be edifying to our readers? Feel free to leave a comment below.