The Internet changed the way we meet new people once and for all. Yes, meeting your love interest and the whole art of dating has been evolving over decades and centuries, but nothing made that big of an impact on this aspect of our lives like when the Internet became an unavoidable part of our households and our everyday life.
But is this necessarily a bad thing? No, of course not.
Although online dating was perceived as taboo back in the day, people today know that – if you are precocious enough and you play your cards right – you can find exactly what you are looking for via dating websites and platforms. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for a long-term commitment, a quick hookup, or merely a person to talk to and a potential friend, online dating can be highly effective and quite fun, too!
The Past And The Stigma Of Online Dating
During the first few years of online dating, and the Internet in general, finding love online was seen as a huge new type of phenomenon, but a rather negative one. Its potential was overlooked by the average Joe and all those people who did “resort to” finding new people via online dating were teased, laughed at and even bullied. Folks were simply afraid of it.
Not that many people were able to comprehend how one could start having feelings for someone they met through the Internet, and not to mention the potential risks of meeting that someone in person. There was also the notorious aspect of dishonesty when it comes to online dating as many users tend to lie about their personality and assets on both social media and dating sites. People lie about how much money they make, their career, their hobbies, their interests, their past, their looks, their marital status… so, naturally, getting hurt, disappointed and humiliated is part of the process.
Luckily, the perception of online dating and the very etiquette of the game has come a long way since the 90’s. Today we have true loves, successful marriages and happy families all across the globe thanks to these websites and platforms. Meeting someone online is no longer frowned upon, instead, people like to hear stories about how two true soul mates started off as only an online fling and a quick hookup.
The Rise Of Online Dating
We live in a time when online dating is at the same time the past, the present, and the future of dating. Everybody’s doing it, whether they are aware of it or not. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are (let’s face it) being largely used for meeting potential partners, while the apps like Tinder, Grindr, and OkCupid are literally designed for finding hookups.
So what was it exactly that made dating online generally accepted and this popular?
It was simply time (and great marketing, of course). Soon, people all around the world started to realize that more and more individuals are using websites created just for online dating purposes. And it wasn’t just “the losers.” Everybody was doing it: the chubby and the skinny; the rich and the poor; the jocks and the geeks; and this is when people realized – hey, maybe there’s something in this for me as well – and just like that, the future of dating was happening right before our eyes.
The world of online dating was suddenly no longer taboo. It became a world packed with “normal” individuals who are seeking love. Just like you and me.
So, what do you think, what will dating look like in the future? Say… 20 years from now? Will we still be meeting new people in a traditional way, or will it all become virtual like in that movie “Demolition Man” with Sylvester Stallone and Sandra Bullock?
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