Okay, so you’ve been dating for a short while and things seem to be going fairly well; you have dinner a few times a week or go shopping together and it seems that you are actually on the verge of a real honest to God relationship, so what’s next? At this point the two of you should be communicating well and have a good idea of each other’s likes and dislikes yet still have a lot to learn about one another. Many relationships fall apart at this point because those involved get a bit complacent and may even begin to take each other for granted. One way to avoid such problems is to keep things fresh and exciting. There are many ways to accomplish this such as short vacations, special dinners, trips to museums, but although these are great displays of affection, they are not spontaneous and planning needs to go into it to make it successful. It’s amazing how a well thought out small, yet targeted gift can have a greater impact than a dinner or Broadway show.
The impression that businessmen such as bankers, lawyers and other successful business professionals are devoid of romantic notions is not only false, it can also be downright insulting. Today’s business executive has many tools at his disposal for creating wealth; he can also use his knowledge of such tools and ideas to create romance as well. A man who can effectively run a large corporation or firm can translate his abilities to advance his social life or relationship too. The following ideas are presented with the purpose of showing such men how to accomplish this.
Gone are the days of carving the initials of you and that special on a tree inside a heart, as the environmentalists will be tracking you down to throw you in jail. Painting your feelings on a bridge over a highway that your love passes through everyday will be called defacing public property and categorized as just another bit of graffiti that will cost the city money to clean. Gone also are the days in grade school when you could leave messages in chalk on the sidewalk to express your feelings while praying a sudden cloudburst doesn’t wash your words down the drain along with your heart. As beautiful as these expressions of love can be, they have been replaced by gizmos and gadgets as the age of technology has given those of all ages to profess their love..
If you think about it, most people tend to move towards pleasure and away from pain. What does this have to do with dating you might ask? Well if you can get a woman to associate feeling pleasure with being with you, then you have a good chance of winning her over. One of the best ways to make any woman feel pleasure is to make her laugh by having a good sense of humor.
Having the ability to make a woman laugh is a sure way to get her to want to be with you. Laughing has a way of making us not only feel good, but it’s actually healthy and can help with lowering blood pressure, boost the immune system and reduce stress.
I remember in college there was this girl I was crazy about, her name was Theresa and she was incredibly attractive. Don’t get me wrong, I was no slouch either, I was handsome and the starting Center fielder for the Varsity Baseball team, people knew me. Theresa was in demand and there was never a moment when I didn’t see her with an entourage of potential beaus and hot chick wannabes’. To make a long story short, I began dating this woman of my dreams and for almost a month we went to dinners, movies and the usual things you would imagine on a date. It was a month of having a great looking woman on my arm; it was also one of the most boring months of my life!
I was walking around Whole Foods the other day looking for my favorite overpriced epicurean delights when I noticed a very attractive woman standing by the produce section. At the time I didn’t think much of it, but when a gentleman approached to the side of her and began to talk about vegetables, it hit me like a ton of bricks. He had just been caught; hook, line and sinker, this woman just needed to decide whether he was a keeper or to throw him back. I had just been privy to one of womankind’s long held secrets, the art of personal advertising!
Friends are wonderful, they are usually there when you need them, and they can help you with chores such as landscaping, cleaning out the garage or being a sounding board for career decisions when you are considering a new job. Occasionally they will even loan you money, well, that is if they are exceptionally well-off or just stupid, but the one thing you should never do is take advice from a good friend about affairs of the heart! Don’t do it!
The term Sugadaddie has been used to describe a relationship that implies a slightly older gentlemen willing to enter into an ongoing relationship with younger attractive ladies in which the man may assist the woman financially.. Of course we all know that there is more often than not a physical element to this plot, but the emotional component has come to mean much more, yet it is quite often overlooked. Wealthy and powerful men can quite easily find a younger, attractive woman to be there so-called “arm candy”, the tenure of most of these girls is usually quite short and there is always a newer and more intriguing product always coming along. So what is it that makes one woman a Sugarbabe and another a true relationship? The answer is all in what she gives back.
Not everyone is supermodel thin, and the truth is that when the layers of fine clothing and lingerie are peeled away and the make-up is removed, many men are turned off by what is left. Don’t get me wrong, these women are still attractive and enjoy flawless features, but most men seem to prefer dating a woman with a bit more substance. In other words, being a bit overweight is not necessarily a bad thing, but where does average end and obese begin? For the most part, men prefer non-overweight women, but a bit more substance does not mean wearing a belt size that reads “equator”. Just ask any male to tell you about the girl he dreams about and there is a good chance she will not be overweight. When most men are asked to rate a woman, those getting the highest scores are not those that are model thin, but those that fill out their clothes best or have an air of sexual suggestiveness to them.