Most people will tell you that the only way to get over a bad breakup is time, and to some extent that may be true, however there are many other ways to make that passage of time less painful. Whether you believe this pain manifests itself in a physical or mental way, it will pass, but only if you help the process along.

There will be friends and family that will tell you that this is only freeing you up for your next great relationship and that as the song says “some of god’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers”, but to you this will sound like a load of crap, as your mind will be telling you that you have lost the greatest love of your life. This could be true, but usually it isn’t as break-ups happen for a reason and in reality the other person (or yourself) has done you a favor by ripping the band off and allowing the two of you to move on with your lives, separately.
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