Many men using online dating sites have had a problem figuring out how to get a woman’s attention and how to get more women messaging them back. It’s really not that difficult once you understand how to create a dating profile that makes a difference, or to be more precise, how to get a woman’s attention and keep it. Decades ago in the back of magazines there were ads on how to pick up women, well guess what, they are back, but this time they teach you how create messages to make you successful in online dating.

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There really are few things worse in the dating world than meeting your date for a long anticipated wonderful evening out and the seeing that person dressed completely inappropriate for that evening.  Suppose you are a woman expecting the gentleman to show up for a planned dinner at an elegant restaurant and he shows up in Sneakers and a tee shirt. It’s not going to make you giddy with anticipation. I once picked up a young woman for just such an evening.  All seemed great when I met her but after the door opened and what looked like the Queen of the Damned appeared in full Goth mode, I realized that even when you tell a person where you will be going for that date, you may want to politely mention attire for the date. This is done in a subtle way of course.

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Another lonely night at home, watching your goldfish laugh at you when he knows he may get some later from that fancy tail hanging out on the other side of the water filter? Well, whose fault is that? Just give it a little bit of thought and dig up a bit of courage and you too can be out on the town saying, “lord please step in and find me a date tonight.”

One of the first things you need to decide upon when trying to find a date is what you actually want to get out that date. Are you just looking for some pleasant company for the evening and perhaps getting to know someone a bit better or are you looking for a hot passionate night with little or no regard for the future. The answer to this question and the ultimate goal of successful dating will determine what approach you may use to find a date tonight.

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couple on first date asking questions

You have planned everything down to the goodbye kiss. You have scripted everything about how the first date should go, when you will pick her up if you are a man, and what you will be wearing if you are a woman. You are now prepared for any eventuality. The date is going well but then something inside you blurts out a question that could have you both scrambling for cover. It seems that everyone who goes on a first date wants to know answers to many of the same questions, and quite often these questions are asked. The method of delivery however is another story as how you ascertain the answers can make the difference between a pleasant evening and a fork in the eye!

Its important to keep conversation and questions on a first date light and easy, there is nothing worse than someone giving you the third degree about everything under the sun. You are trying to get to know someone so don’t make him or her feel like they are filling out a mortgage application. Phrase your questions that will lead to the answers you seek, but without directly challenging the other person to give a quick and definitive response. So, lets look at some of the ways we can ask first date questions without making it seem like an interview.

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Those of us at would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge a great friend of this website and his latest accomplishment. Noah Van Hochman who has assisted us with complex business strategies since our beginning has now taken the vast amount of knowledge gained though his experiences in life and at to create a dating and relationship book currently being offered on

The book entitled “Dude! What were you thinking?” is about all those little things that take place during the dating and relationship process that for someone that has the brain capacity just a bit higher than an eggplant should be obvious. Those little things that are usually obvious to everyone BUT those involved in the relationship. Mr. Van Hochman puts these seemingly common sense concepts together in such a way that will have you rolling on the floor laughing while scratching your head wondering “Why didn’t I think of that??” as you ponder your own relationships.

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dating a loser

The pages of history are bursting with loves gone bad, and much of the time it was because one person was drawn like a moth to a flame to another, who was completely wrong for them.  Dating a loser is definitely nothing new, but with age comes wisdom and hopefully a better defense against the chemistry or sweet talk that causes us to self-destruct in the name of love. Without star-crossed lovers William Shakespeare may have been relegated to selling castle owners insurance in the low rent areas of old London or for more modern relevance where would the Jerry Seinfeld show have been without its cast constantly talking about dating losers. Now that we have so much history to look back upon as a reference, we should be able to guard against such mistakes ourselves.

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Have you ever noticed that in every bar in every part of the world, there is always one guy who seems to have the most incredible stories about all the women he has dated and the incredible adventures he has had?  You may look at this man, give him the once over and slap yourself in the head and say “how the heck can he have a date, when I can barely get arrested?”  The answer to this question might be much, much simpler than you could have ever dreamed, to this chap, it’s a numbers game!

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Not everyone is supermodel thin, and the truth is that when the layers of fine clothing and lingerie are peeled away and the make-up is removed, many men are turned off by what is left. Don’t get me wrong, these women are still attractive and enjoy flawless features, but most men seem to prefer dating a woman with a bit more substance. In other words, being a bit overweight is not necessarily a bad thing, but where does average end and obese begin? For the most part, men prefer non-overweight women, but a bit more substance does not mean wearing a belt size that reads “equator”. Just ask any male to tell you about the girl he dreams about and there is a good chance she will not be overweight. When most men are asked to rate a woman, those getting the highest scores are not those that are model thin, but those that fill out their clothes best or have an air of sexual suggestiveness to them.

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We have all that that one friend that we used to hang out with that was a just a bit more introverted that all the rest of us. You remember him, he used to hide in the shadows and when we would chase girls he would barely utter a word. He had lots of guy friends but when it came to the girls he was…well, lets just say not very successful. Ten years later he may be the CEO of a multinational software company but he still panics when it comes to the dating scene. Fear no more! The Internet is here to save the day!

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I love hearing the phrase “nice guys finish last”, because it’s almost always spoken by the guy that finished last. Nice guys don’t finish last, guys that don’t have the will and determination to give it their all usually are the ones that are at the end of the line. Lets be honest about this, those that can’t hack it need to justify their poor performance, because no one is willing to say that someone merely tried harder than they did or they didn’t care enough to figure out a way to do better at some task. Call yourself a nice guy or call yourself a loser, but in reference to this article, there are pretty much the same.

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