Ask typical single girls what they look for most often in a potential date and they will likely answer with one of the following things, “he has to be handsome and he should have a nice smile.” Other women will respond with something to the affect of “he should like animals and children”, while still others will resound “he should have money”. ‘Money’, what does money have to do with how attracted a woman may be to a man? Well in this day in age, a lot. Beautiful, single girls are attracted to wealthy men not only for the material things he may be able to offer, but also because wealthy men tend to be more confident and generally more outgoing. Wealthy men can give a single girl the option of staying in and watching a movie at home or traveling to a tropical getaway for the weekend. Unless she is specifically looking for wealthy men in her search, this is not something single girls are accustomed to stumbling across in the mainstream dating scene.