online mistakes

With so many single women making the move from conventional dating to online dating, I think the time has come to lay down some rules on what is and what is not suggested when an eligible girl is composing a profile for herself online.

Visit any online dating site and scroll through the profiles; you will see some that are very ‘vanilla’ and standard with nothing special about them, you will see some that jump right out at you as if the woman were reaching out through the monitor and grabbing you by the shirt collar, and then you will see the profiles that unfortunately, were either thrown together haphazardly or by someone who is not well versed on the subject of ‘selling yourself’. Whichever category you fall into, we offer these do’s and don’ts:

DO use recent photos of yourself – don’t be the one that stands out because she’s wearing knee socks and a beehive hairdo! Also use common sense and consider that your goal in composing this online profile is to attract wealthy men… don’t include a photo of you and your ex; that’s just wrong.

DO be honest in stating your interests but use caution around appearing too overzealous when it comes to how much you love your poodle and how you just finished a knitting class to learn how to make him little sweaters. Of course you want to show exactly who you are, but try to think like a wealthy man and don’t talk about your vintage Barbie collection or how much you love to shop. There is a certain amount of femininity assumed, and if a man likes what you have to say about your personality and what you are looking for, the rest will shine through when the time is right.

DON’T use the space intended for a description of you as an area to type in all your ‘requirements’. In taking on the online dating endeavor, you should keep yourself open to different types of people, perhaps some you had not previously considered in addition to wealthy men. You never know when that special person will read your online profile and if he fills 98% of your requirements but reads the one you don’t like, you may never get the opportunity to engage this person in a meaningful conversation and discover the potential.

Remember, your online profile profile is a marketing tool and you are the product. You need to get the audience to take notice and crave further enlightenment as to who you are. Mentally tease that person to look closer and yearn for more information on you and above all be unique

Writer and consultant for