
Has a friend or family member ever mentioned that they have just the perfect person for you? It really doesn’t matter if they know what your type is or not, just the fact that mutual friends are pushing someone on you usually makes a person shake in their boots in terror. To avoid an awkward situation you consider going on a blind date with their person of choice but with extremely limited expectations to avoid and possible disappointment. If you have ever gone on a date from someone you met through an online profile you kind of understand how it feels, if not, let’s take a few moments to go over some important facts when asking the question… how do blind dates work?

Ideally, if you are set up on a blind date, you can only hope that whomever is attempting to connect the two of you sees that there are some shared interests and thinks there might be a good connection. Mutual friends always seem to think their friends are all classy men or attractive women but remember you personally know little about your date and have never seen them. Hence the name blind date! You will be meeting someone you have never seen before, already a fairly awkward situation to say the least, for a round of open-ended questions trying to feel each other out. Going on a blind date is a novel experience but it may be best not to have any lofty expectations.

girl blind dating

For most women who are in the dating pool, going on a blind date and meeting a seemingly nice guy may be a novel experience, but you still need to use common sense and take precautions. Just because mutual friends set you on the date, you still really don’t know all that much about the other person. And for the men, any conversations you may have had with the other person prior to the date might not really be indicative of what actually shows up.

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So now let’s assume that the date is all planned, at least in terms of where you are going to meet as it may be a good idea to arrive separately. This is not just a good idea from a safety standpoint but also if you need to make a hasty get-a-way! In order to know how to properly prepare for a blind date you also need to understand yourself. Classy men and women will understand that this can be as nerve-racking for the other person as themselves, and usually trying to arrange the date in the public domain to alleviate any lingering fears of being alone with a stranger.

You may also be surprised if you go into this potentially awkward situation and are met with a really nice person and some pleasant conversation. Many times our expectations are so low that if a person makes a really great first impression on a blind date we tend to think we hit the jackpot! So of the many important blind dating tips, one of the more important ones is keep too everything in perspective and just have a good time.

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